Symbolic of strength, wisdom, and endurance. Acorns symbolise growth, good fortune and prosperity.
The Celts called oaks ‘King of the Trees’. John Evelyn describes an oak as being the ‘pride and glory of the forest’ whilst Evans-Wenze calls oaks ‘the Holy Trees of Europe’
Oak bark was used to tan leather and mixed with the leaves was used as a tonic and antiseptic.
King Arthurs’ round table was made from a single cross section of a large oak.
To catch a falling oak leaf is to bring prosperity and good fortune
The oak was sacred to the Irish god, Dagda.
Abraham spoke to an angel under an oak tree
The holes sometimes found in the trunks of oak trees were known as ‘fairy doors’.
Oak bark was used in love potions. And to hang an acorn as a necklace helped prevent aging.
An oath sworn under an oak tree was particularly binding
The ancients made important decisions under the canopy of an oak tree as the oak imparted wisdom to the gathering.
Druids held their gatherings in oak groves
Native American chiefs held their meetings under and around an old large oak tree which was called the ‘council oak’.
Druids looked upon the oak as their Tree of Life’.
Mistletoe that grew on an oak was said to be a powerful medicine and cured all poisons.
Celts burnt oak leaves to purify the air
King Charles 11 had in an oak tree at Boscobel to escape the Roundheads.
Robin Hood allegedly met at ‘the Major Oak’ in Sherwood forest
The oak is linked to the planet Mars and when the planet’s procession draws nearest earth, the roots of the oak are energised.
The gift of an acorn was originally a symbol for potential and growth and considered lucky.
In the west country, the yule log was an oak branch.